Sun Twinkle
Standard: basket arrangement of 3 yellow spray roses, 1 stems of yellow lilies, 3 gerbera daisies, 4 carnations, 1 yellow alstroemeria, elegantly arranged with greens and fillers.
Large: basket arrangement of 5 yellow spray roses, 2 stems of yellow lilies, 5 gerbera daisies, 6 carnations, 2 yellow alstroemerias, elegantly arranged with greens and fillers.
Delivery Details
Availability and price depend on the delivery destination and the date of delivery.
Standard: basket arrangement of 3 yellow spray roses, 1 stems of yellow lilies, 3 gerbera daisies, 4 carnations, 1 yellow alstroemeria, elegantly arranged with greens and fillers.
Large: basket arrangement of 5 yellow spray roses, 2 stems of yellow lilies, 5 gerbera daisies, 6 carnations, 2 yellow alstroemerias, elegantly arranged with greens and fillers.